Интересные вопросы

Поможете с обсуждением? Unit 2. № 54. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 7 класс Биболетова.

Discuss in groups of 4-5 the following topics:
1.   Why is the knowledge of foreign languages so important in our times?
2.   What characteristics should a person have to be successful in learning foreign languages?


Обсудите в группах по 4-5 человек следующие темы:
1.   Почему знание иностанных языков так важно в настоящее время?
2.   Какими характеристиками должен обладать человек, чтобы успешно изучать иностранные языки?
Возможные варианты ответов.
1.   Nowadays the knowledge of foreign languages is very important because all the countries all over the world are always communicating. They share their inventions and developments. There are a lot of common scince nowadays and common experiments. Such sciences as medicine and phisics need using common language.
2.   We think that a person should be hard-working to learn foreign languages. It is impossible to learn a foreign language if you don’t work hard at yourself. One more important characteristic is a language intuition. It is much easier to learn languages if you feel its constructions and styles.

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ГДЗ6 классАнглийский языкБиболетова М. З.
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Алексей Дедушев
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