Интересные вопросы

Помогите закончить предложения. Progress Check 2 № 2. ГДЗ Английский язык Spotlight 9 класс Ваулина.

Complete the sentences with the correct -ing or infinitive forms of the verbs in brackets.
1       What would you like............. (do) tonight?
2        She risks............. (lose) her keys when she leaves them lying around.
3        Our teacher makes us.............. (do) our homework every day.
4        The thief admitted.............. (steal) the money.
5        It was silly of you........... (forget) to lock the door.
6    ........... Bob suggested    (go) to the beach.
7  ........... Tom wants (finish) work early today.
8        She didn’t let me.............. (enter) the room.
9        Instead of .............  (mow) the lawn, Mark was watching TV.


Дополните предложения правильной формой с -ing или инфинитивом   глаголов  вскобках.
1)   to do;
2)    losing;
3)    do;
4)    stealing;
5)    to forget;
6)    going;
7)    to finish;
8)    enter;
9)    mowing;
10)   making.

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