Интересные вопросы

Помогите выбрать правильный вариант.Unit 2. Section 1. № 11. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 9 класс Биболетова.

Choose the right options to complete the sentences
Geographical Quiz
1     Marco Polo
a) is famous for his travelling along the Creat
Silk Road across the Gobi ['gәʊbi] Desert.
b) was the first European who invented the
medicine against malaria (малярия).
c) is famous for his expedition to the соаst
West Africa.
2   The Galapagos Islands (the place where
Charles Darwin studied the wildlife and user
the facts later as the basis for his theory are
a) in the Pacific Ocean.
b) in the Atlantic Ocean.
c) in the Mediterranean Sea.
3   The Bermuda Triangle, the place where
a lot of skips have disappeared, is
a) in the Pacific Ocean.
b) in the Indian Ocean.
c) in the Atlantic Ocean.


Выберите правильный пункт для продолжения предложений.
1.   — a. Marco Polo is famous for his travelling along the Great Silk Road across the Gobi Desert.
2.   — a. The Galapagos Islands are in the Pacific Ocean.
3.   — c. The Bermuda Triangle, the place where a lot of ships have disappeared, is in the Atlantic Ocean.

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