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Помогите выбрать подходящее слово. Модуль (Module) 6. Spotlight on Exams. Use of English. ГДЗ Английский язык Spotlight 10 класс Афанасьева.

Read the text and choose the best word (A ,B,C or D) for each gap (1-7).
Beetroot can be cooked and eaten warm with butter; or it can be pickled and then eaten cold; or peeled and
shredded and then eaten 1) ..............................  a sated, but
many people believe it's best served in Borsch.
Borsch is a delicious vegetable soup 2 ) ........................... cm
be eaten hot car cold. As well as beetroot, hot Borsch can also include beans, cabbage, carrots and potatoes, or masts like chicken car beef. Cold Borsch is usually a
3) ....................  sap, made from diced beetroot with
either lemon juice or sugar to 4) ................................  to the
Borsch is a popular dish in many Eastern and Central European countries, such as Russia, Boland, Germary and the Ukraine. Each country has its own favourite way
of preparing this food and 5) .................................  has its own
particular way of spelling its rare. It's Borschtsch i German, Barszch in tolish and Borsch in Russian and Ukrainian.
Whatever you call it, Borsch can be the perfect meal to
warm you up 6 ) ........................  a cold winter day, or a
delightful snack when the weather's warmer. It's eaten with friends and family at hare or you can find it on the
1    A     for                  В    as                      C     such                  D    like
2     A    when            В     who                  C     which                D     whose
3     A    normal          В     ordinary           C     everyday            D  plain
4     A    fill                  В     give                   C     wake                 D     add
5     A    each              В     every                C     all                      D     both
6     A    for                 В     at                      C     in                       D     on
7     A    plenty           В     many                 C     lots                    D     much


Прочитай текст и выбери правильное слово (А, В, С ши D) для каждого пропуска (1-7).
1 В
2  С
3  D
4  D
5  А
6  D
7  В

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