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Помогите вставить слова, плиз! Unit 2. Section 1. № 20. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 9 класс Биболетова.

Fill in the verbs using them in the appropriate form.
1    In the twentieth century, scientists ... extracts of ancient plants in floating masses of ice.
2    When travelling by car, be very attentive and ... dangerous driving.
3    Since the passengers were in danger, the rescue party used a helicopter to get to the
place where two ships ....
4    The captain of the submarine ordered the crew to stop the engines to ... a collision
with a strange unidentified object moving towards them under the water.
5    An expedition of specially-trained divers have kept trying to find the ship that...
more than half a century ago.
6    An unexpected storm seriously ... the ship. That's why the captain ordered them to
stop in the nearest port to repair it.
7    This shipbuilding company has a long and successful history. They ... one or two
liners every year.


Вставьте глаголы, используя их в правильной форме.
1)   In the twentieth century, scientists detected extracts of ancient plants in floating masses of ice.
2)   When travelling by car, be very attentive and avoid dangerous driving.
3)   Since the passengers were in danger, the rescue party used a helicopter to get to the place where two ships had crashed.
4)   The captain of the submarine ordered the crew to stop the engines to prevent a collision with a strange unidentified object moving towards them under the water.
5)   An expedition of specially-trained divers have kept trying to find the ship that sank more than half a century ago.
6)   An unexpected storm seriously damaged the ship. That’s why the captain ordered them to stop in the nearest port to repair it.
7)   This shipbuilding company has a long and successful history. They launch one or two liners every year.

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