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Помогите вставить артикли. Модуль (Module) 5c № 1. ГДЗ Английский язык Spotlight 10 класс Афанасьева.

Fill in the gaps with a/an, the or - (no article). Give reasons. Listen and check.
Siberia is 1).... vast region in
2)..... north of 3)...... Russia
and 4)...... Kazakhstan. It
makes up about 58% of 5)         . Russia and covers almost 6)
whole of northern 7)...... Asia. It extends from 8) ... east of
9)       . Ural Mountains all the way to 10)..... Pacific Ocean and
from 11)..... south of 12)....... Arctic Ocean to 13)....... borders
of both 14) Mongolia and 15)............... China. Novosibirsk is
16)..... largest city and with 17)...... record low temperature of
-71.2°C, 18) Oymyakon is 19).............. coldest town on Earth!
For centuries, Siberia was 20)......... mostly unexplored and
uninhabited region, but in 21)....... 1905 22) ... Trans-Sibenan
railway linked it with western cities. These days, thousands of
tourists visit Siberia every year, especially 23)...... Lake Baikal,
24).... world's deepest lake!


Заполни пропуски с помощью а/an, the или не ставь артикль (—). Объясни причины. Прослушай и проверь.
1 а
2  the
3 —
4 —
5 —
6 the
7 —
8  the
9  the
10 the
12 the
13 the
14 —
15 —
16 the
17 a
18 —
19 the
20 a
21 —
22 the
23 —
24 the

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ГДЗ, английский язык, верещагина, spotlight, афанасьева 9класс Задание 5c №4

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Верещагина И.Н.Афанасьева О. В.9 классАнглийский языкSpotlight