Интересные вопросы

Помогите соединить предложения. Модуль (Module) 4c № 3. ГДЗ Английский язык Spotlight 6 класс Ваулина.

a)    Underline the words in the text which show the order things happen.
Saturday is a perfect day for me. It starts at 9 о clock with a big breakfast. Then, I put on my special uniform and I set off with my best friend, Christina for the Scout Club! There, we meet up with the Scout leader and the rest of the team and we go camping. Later, we arrive at the forest and put up our tents. After that, the leader teaches us new things, like how to tie knots and build fires. In the afternoon, we play football or go climbing. At 6:00 o’ clock, we cook dinner on the campfire. When we finish dinner, we go to our tents. We tell stories before we go to sleep! I absolutely love Saturdays!
b)   Link the sentences. Use: and, then, after that, when, before.
1        On Saturdays I meet my friends for coffee. We go to the cinema.
2        She has breakfast. She leaves for school.
3        On Sundays we have a family dinner. We watch a movie.
4        I get up. The alarm clock rings.
5        She has a bath. She gets dressed.


а) Подчеркните слова в тексте, которые показывают порядок
следования вещей.
Ответ: then, later, after that, when, before
b) Свяжите предложения. Используйте and, then, after that, when,
1)      On Saturdays I meet my friends for coffee. After that we go to the cinema.
2)      She has breakfast, then she leaves for school.
3)      On Sundays we have a family dinner and we watch a movie.
4)       I get up when the alarm clock rings.
5)       She has a bath, then she gets dressed

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