a) Посмотри на картинки и скажи, что ты и члены твоей семьи всегда делают, что никогда не делают и что делают иногда.
Му family usually get up at seven o’clock. They don’t get up early on
We always clean our teeth and wash our hands.
I sometimes have milk, cheese, eggs, porridge and coffee for break-
fast. Most of my family do the same.
I usually help my mother about the house, cleaning rooms and going
I usually go to school.
I always do my homework. After my homework and at weekends I
usually play football with my friends.
My grandfather never goes to school.
My father and mother usually watch TV in the evening. My grand-
mother watches TV all day long.
Most of my family go to bed at ten o’clock.
b) Завтра будет День матери. Чем ты будешь (не будешь) зани-
маться (папа, мама)?
Му father and I will be running run the house tomorrow.
I shall help my father about the house tomorrow. My father and I will
clean all the rooms tomorrow. My father and I will go shopping to-
morrow. My mother will watch TV tomorrow. My mother won’t go
shopping tomorrow.