Интересные вопросы

Помогите ответить про интернет! Модуль (Module) 4d № 1. ГДЗ Английский язык Spotlight 9 класс Ваулина.

What do you know about the Internet? Do the quiz.
1      What is 'the Internet'?
a a way of sending mail electronically
b a worldwide system of computer networks
2      What does 'www' mean at the beginning of many website addresses?
a World Wide Web b Wireless Web World
3      When did Tim Berners-Lee create the Web?
a in 1975                         b in 1989
4       In 1993, there were about 600 websites. How many were there by 2006?
a about a million b over 100 million
5       Which country has the highest number of Internet users? (75%)
a     Japan                       b      Sweden
6       What does ISP stand for? (the company you use to access the Internet)
a Internet Service Provider
b Instant Site Producer
7       How many web pages does the average Internet user visit each month?
a     about 250               b      about 1,000
8       How many websites per day are added to the Internet?
a     about 17,000          b      about 5,000


Тест. Что вы знаете об Интернете? От­ветьте на вопросы. Прослушайте и проверьте.
1)   b;
2)    a;
3)    b;
4)  b;
5)  b;
6)  a;
7)    b;
8)    a.

ваш ответ
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