Интересные вопросы

Помогите ответить на вопросы по тексту. Модуль (Module) 4. Culture Corner № 2. ГДЗ Английский язык Spotlight 9 класс Ваулина.

Read the text again and answer the questions.
With technology changing all the time, how can
we keep up with all the latest gadgets? Wouldn't it be
nice if there was a weekly TV programme that told us
all about the latest technology, how it works, how
much it costs and whether it is any good? Here's the
good news! There is a show like that and it's called The
Gadget Show.
The Gadget Show airs on Channel Five in the UK and
it is also available on satellite TV and through the
Internet via its website, http://fwd five.tv/gadget-
show. This popular show lasts for an hour and it is now
in its tenth year.
The presenters of the show are Jon Bentley, Jason
Bradbury and Suzi Perry. Each week they actually test
all the latest gadgets and tell viewers what is worth
buying. There is a challenge each week for the
presenters to test a certain gadget to the limits. Also, 
there is a test that judges an item on a number of
levels to find the best product in a certain category In
addition, one lucky viewer each week wins all the
latest gadgets and electronics in the programme's
So, if you want to learn about new technology or if
you'd like to know the best brand (of the latest
gadget) to buy, watch The Gadget Show.
1      How often is the programme on?
2     Where can you watch The Gadget Show?
3      Who are the presenters of the show?
4      What can viewers expect to see on the programme?
5      What can you win in the competition?


Прочитайте  текст  снова и ответьте на вопросы.
1. Once a week.
2. On Channel Five, satellite TV or on the Internet.
3. Jon Bentley, Jason Bradbury and Suzi Perry.
4. Gadgets being tested and rated.
5. All the latest gadgets and electronics in the competition.

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