Интересные вопросы

Помогите найти опасности! Unit 2. Section 1. № 18. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 9 класс Биболетова.

A sea voyage is the most romantic way of travelling, but travellers can face a lot of dangers. Read the following and select the possible dangers they face at sea.
an earthquake, a flood, a hurricane, a fire,
a drought, a tornado, a car accident, a volcano
eruption, a plane crash, a bird crash, a ship
crash, an iceberg crash, thunder and lightning,
a violent wind and storm


Морская прогулка — самый романтичный вид путешествия. Но путешественники могут столкнуться с множеством опасностей. Прочтите следующее и выберите опасности, которые возможны на море.
There can be an earthquake under the water, which can hit the ship unci cause flood. Also violent wind and storm and tornado are possible. There can be a fire on a board of ship. Besides that, a ship crash and an iceberg crash can happen.

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