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Помогите найти информацию. Unit 2. Section 1. № 19. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 9 класс Биболетова.

Read the brief information from a teen magazine and say:
•       why icebergs can be very dangerous for ships;
•       how an iceberg caused the tragedy of the Titanic;
•       what you have learned about the Titanic's sisters.


Прочитайте краткие сведения из подросткового журнала и скажите: почему айсберги могут представлять опасность для кораблей; каким образом айсберг стал причиной трагедии Титаника; что вы узнали о «сестрах» Титаника.
Icebergs can be dangerous for ships because they can move very quickly and sometimes it’s not easy to detect them in time. As big ships can’t stop or change their direction quickly crashing is sometimes unavoidable.
The Titanic was one of. the biggest ships that crashed into a huge iceberg, although it was considered to be very safe and even unsinkable.
There were two Titanic’s sisters — the Britannic and the Olympic. Those three ships were very much alike. During the World War I the Britannic became the biggest floating hospital. She was damaged by German mine and sank near Greece. The Olympic was launched in 1910, two years before the Titanic, and unlike her unfortunate sisters, lived a long life — almost half a century.

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