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We can be sure, even without reading history books, that the place, which name ends in — pol, were settled by Greeks in ancient times, because Greeks gave names with — polis, which means “city” in Greek, to their towns.
In the name of Shakespeare’s birthplace, Stratford-upon-Avon, we see four words from three different languages: strada from Latin, afon from Welsh and ford from English.
For example, Bratsk speaks of young people of different nationalities who went to the wild taiga and founded a new town there.
There are English names in the northeast and along the eastern coast, for example, New London, Portland, New York. There are Dutch names in many districts of New York City (Brooklyn. Harlem) and in other parts of New York State and Spanish names in Florida. There are lots of French names in the southern states and along the Mississippi. The oldest names in the west — in the states of California, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona — are Spanish.