Интересные вопросы

Помогите мне объяснить слова. Модуль (Module) 3b № 6. ГДЗ Английский язык Spotlight 6 класс Ваулина.

Read again. Explain the words in bold. Find sentences which express examples of: permission, prohibition and giving directions.
Instructor: Are you ready Jane?
Jane: Yes! Let's do this.
Instructor: OK, remember now, you have to be careful on the road all the time. OK, go down Bridge Road towards the Park hotel.
Jane: OK! Should I go straight or do you want me to turn right into Apple Street?
instructor: No, you can't turn right into Apple Street and you can't go straight. Look at the sign!
Jane: Oh yeah! I can only turn left here.
Instructor: Very good! So, turn left into Apple Street.
Jane: Here we go ...
Instructor: Perfect! Now, stop at the traffic lights because the light is red. When the light turns green, turn left into Mill Street.
Jane: I see.
Instructor: Now, park in front of the hospital.
Jane: But I can t park there! Look at the sign.
Instructor: Excellent! Turn left into Green Street and go towards the park.
Jane: Fine.
Instructor: Watch out! There’s a car coming.


Прочитайте снова. Объясните слова, выделенные жирным
шрифтом. Найдите предложения, которые выражают разрешение, запрет и инструкции.
То park — парковаться
Park — парк
Permission — I can only turn left here
Prohibition — I can’t park there
Giving directions — Turn left into Apple Street

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