Интересные вопросы

Переведите 4C № 5 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 11 класс Афанасьева О.В.

Study the table below and say how personal
and impersonal passive constructions are
formed. Then, turn the sentences (1-7) into
the passive, as in the example.

1 They believe that she is resting at home.
       She is believed to be resting at home,
       it is believed that she is resting at home.
2    The newspapers report that the doctor made a mistake in the diagnosis.
3    Scientists expect the tsunami to hit at 8 am.
4    They know that she has a difficult character.
5    They say that a monster lives in a lake in Scotland.
6    They believe that Andrea was treated very badly.
7    Doctors think that the number of cases of asthma is rising.


Understanding personal and
impersonal passive constructions
•      Read through the table with Ss and elicit how
personal and impersonal passive constructions
are formed.
•      Explain the task. Ss answer individually.
•      Ss compare answers with a partner.
Answer Key
personal passive construction: subject +
passive verb + to-infinitive (e.g. She is thought
to be very ill.)
impersonal passive construction: it + passive
verb + finite clause (e.g. It is thought that she
is very ill.)
2       The doctor is reported to have made a
mistake with the diagnosis.
It is reported that the doctor made a
mistake with the diagnosis.
3       The tsunami is expected to hit at 8 am.
It is expected that the tsunami will hit at 8
4       She is known to have a difficult character.
It is known that she has a difficult character.
5      A monster is said to live in a lake in Scotland.
It is said that a monster lives in a like in
6      Andrea is believed to have been treated
very badly.
It is believed that Andrea was treated very
7      The number of cases of asthma is thought
to be rising.
It is thought that the number of cases of
asthma is rising.

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