Интересные вопросы

Перепиши Раздел 10B № 1 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 4 класс Быкова Н. И.

Look at the calendar, then rewrite the sentences in your
notebook. Use: two weeks ago, last Sunday, yesterday, a
week ago, last Tuesday, three days ago.

1  I was in France on the seventh of March.
     I was in France two weeks ago.
2       Mary was at school on the twentieth of March.
3       Mum and Dad were at the cinema on the eighteenth of March.
4       David was at the shops on the fourteenth of March.
5       I was at the zoo on the seventeenth of March.
6       Brian and May were in London on the fifteenth of March.


Посмотри на календарь, потом перепиши предложения в свою тетрадь.
1.    I      was in France two weeks ago.
2.     Mary was at school yesterday.
3.     Mum and Dad were at the cinema three days ago.
4.      David was at the shops a week ago.
5.     I   was at the Zoo last Tuesday.
6.   Brian and May were in London last Sunday.

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ГДЗSpotlightАнглийский язык4 классБыкова Н.И.
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Дополни Раздел 9B № 1 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 4 класс Быкова Н. И.

Read and complete. Use: was or were.
1    Uncle Harry ... not at work yesterday.
2    ... the cake for Robbie’s birthday? (Подробнее...)

ГДЗSpotlightАнглийский язык4 классБыкова Н.И.