Интересные вопросы

Ответьте № 91 ГДЗ Английский 9 класс Биболетова М.З.

Which of the following entertainment activities would you prefer to do with your
family? What would you prefer to do with your friends? Which of these activities
would you prefer to avoid?
•    barbecue in the countryside
•    camping in the countryside
•    watching videos or films
•   going to an amusement park (roller
coaster — американские горки, swings —
качели, merry-go-rounds — карусели)
•    gardening
•    going to the seaside
•    taking part in a sports competition
•    watching sports competitions
•    chatting about your personal problems
•    going to pop and rock concerts
•    travelling round the world
•    arranging special meals at home
•    going to the theatre / concert / cinema /


Какими из нижеперечисленных развлечений вы предпочитаете заниматься со своей семьей? Чем бы вы предпочли заняться со своими друзьями? Какие из этих развлечений вы предпочтете избежать?
Well, as for me, I would prefer to have a barbecue in the countryside and arranging special meals at home with my family. With friends I would prefer, for example, watching sports competitions and chatting about my personal problems. As for going to the seaside and travelling round the world, I would like to do it either with my family or friends. I would like to avoid gardening, as I don’t like it very much, and going to pop and rock concerts also.

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mate is like.

ГДЗАнглийский язык9 классБиболетова М. З.