Интересные вопросы

Ответь Раздел 5B № 2 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 4 класс Быкова Н. И.

Look, ask and answer.
1    bread?
2    olive oil?
3    eggs?
4    cheese?
5    lemon juice?
6    potatoes?
7    tomatoes?
8    butter?
9    pepper?
10 biscuits?
1 A: How much bread is there? B: A lot!


1.       Посмотри, спроси и ответь.
1.       A: How much bread is there?
B: A lot!
2.       A: How much olive oil is there?
B: Not much!
3.       A: How many eggs are there?
B: Not many!
4.       A: How much cheese is there?
B: A lot!
5.    A: How much lemon juice is there?
B: Not much!
6.       A: How many are there?
B: Not many!
7.    A: How many tomatoes are there?
B: Not many!
8.       A: How much butter is there?
B: Not much!
9.       A: How much pepper is there?
B: A lot!
10.    A: How many biscuits are there?
B: A lot!

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