Интересные вопросы

Отметьте № 20 ГДЗ Английский 9 класс Биболетова М.З.

Tick the points that can cause misun-
derstanding (недопонимание) between
parents and children. Then tick the
points that can join generations. Are
there double ticks anywhere? Speak on
each point with a double tick. Follow
the example.

Example: It happens that people of the elder
generation don't like the music we listen to.
Teenagers often think that their parents' or
grandparents' music is out of fashion and
sounds a little bit strange. On the other hand.
I don't mind some of my parents' likings. We
enjoy listening to jazz or famous pop-groups
of the past like ABBA. I explain the musical
styles of modem groups to them. Sometimes
they even like them.


Отметьте пункты, которые могут вызвать недопонимание между родителями и детьми. Затем отметьте пункты, которые могут объединить поколения. Встречаются ли совпадающие пункты? Расскажите о каждом пункте с двойной отметкой. Следуйте примеру.
Misunderstanding: fashion, friends, school problems, music, housework, parties, pocket money, drinks, smoking, computer games.
Join generations: fashion, music, housework, films, future education, sports/keeping fit, dieting.
It happens that people of the older generation don’t like fashion we prefer. Teenagers often think that their parents’ or grandparents’ fashion is a bit strange. As for me, I like some of their fashion.
Housework can cause some misunderstanding between parents and children, when children are too busy doing their homework at school or when they don’t like washing the floor. But at the same time, homework can join generations, for example, when the whole family cook the holiday dinner.

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