Reviewing the use of -ing and infinitive forms
• Select a S to read the text to the class.
• Draw Ss' attention to the -ing and infinitive
forms and the questions in the rubric.
• Allow Ss time to answer individually. Ss
compare answers with a partner.
• As an extension activity, Ss can compose their
own sentences.
Answer Key
think, helping, cleaning, helping out, do,
thinking, to get, to take, to help, take
prepositions: -ing form
too/enough constructions: to-infinitive
verbs of preference, e.g. like, hate: -ing form/
modal verbs: infinitive without to
look forward to: -ing form
let/make: infinitive without to
can't stand/help/imagine: -ing form
don't mind: -ing form
how about, etc.: -ing form
to express purpose: to-infinitive
want: to-infinitive
remind etc.: to-infinitive
can't wait: to-infinitive