Интересные вопросы

Найдите № 35 ГДЗ Английский 9 класс Биболетова М.З.

a) Find the equivalents to the following
sentences from the texts in Ex. 30.
Family means people who are ready to
help each other in different situations.
Family relationships are much stronger
than relationships among friends and
that’s why family is more important
than friends.
They worry only about their jobs and
earning money.
We sometimes say angry and rude
words to each other.
Their arguments make me think that
they are right.
You can’t find real friends easily
b) Read through the texts again. Agree
or disagree with the statements below
and give your arguments.
1    Alan doesn’t trust his friends absolutely.
Example: I believe that’s true. Alan thinks
that his friends can betray him in some
2    Alan is awfully lonely and unhappy.
Example: I don’t think so. Alan has a loving
family that supports him in any situation, and
he doesn’t feel lonely at all.
3    Alan doesn’t want to have any friends.
4    Alan thinks that friends can betray him
in some situations.
5    Julia thinks that friends are the most
important people in her life.
6    Julia worries about her parents very
much but they don’t pay any attention to
7    The family helps Julia to not feel lonely.
8    Julia trusts her friends.
9     Catherine has both: family and friends.
10      Catherine never follows her parents’
11      Catherine always gives up a friend if her
parents don’t like him / her.
12   Catherine is wise enough to appreciate
the care of her family and to understand
the importance of real friends.


а) Найдите эквиваленты нижеследующим выражениям из текста в упр. 30.
Family means people who are ready to help each other in different situations. — Family means a unity of people who support each other in different situations.
Family relationships are much stronger than relationships among friends and that’s why family is more important than friends. — Blood is thicker than water. That’s why family is much more important than friends.
They worry only about their jobs and earning money. — The only things they care about are their jobs and making money.
We sometimes say angry and rude words to each other. — Sometimes we quarrel.
Their arguments make me think that they are right. — I find their arguments quite convincing.
You can’t find real friends easily. — I agree that not all people you go out with can be called friends. Real friends are very rare and you should cherish them. And if you happen to find them, take care of them, never hurt them and try not to lose them.

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