Интересные вопросы

Напишите Across the Curriculum 4 № 4 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 11 класс Афанасьева О.В.

Use the text to write a timeline of the main events during the Great Fire of London. Use your timeline to give the class a summary of what happened.
Saturday. 1st September (evening): Thomas Farynor (baker) forgot to put out the fire in one of his ovens.


Preparing and describing the
timeline of events
•      Ss re-read the text and make a note of the
main events during the Great Fire of London
with their dates.
•       Invite Ss to summarise what happened to the
class using their notes.
Answer Key
Saturday, 1st September (evening)
Thomas Farynor (baker) forgot to put out the
fire in one of his ovens.
Sunday, 2nd September (early morning)
A spark set fire to the straw on the floor of
the bakery. Flames quickly engulfed the house
and began to spread.
Sunday, 2nd September (early morning)
Mayor was advised to demolish surrounding
houses so that the fire would not spread. The
mayor did not listen to the advice.
Sunday, 2nd September (morning)
300 houses were already on fire and the winds
were making the situation worse.
Wednesday, 5th September (evening)
Winds died down and fire brought under
Thursday, 6th September
Fire totally extinguished.
•      Ss note down their ideas and then write their
diary entries.
•      Monitor the activity, encouraging Ss to describe
events in as much detail as possible.
•       Invite Ss to read their diary entries to the class.
Suggested Answer Key
I was awoken this morning at around 2 am by
my mother. The whole neighbourhood was in a
panic because there was a big fire that kept
spreading. We had to evacuate our house
quickly. There wasn’t time to take any of our
belongings - we left everything behind and
just felt glad that we were still alive.
I woke up and thought it had all been a dream.
I couldn’t understand why I was at Auntie
Mavis’s house and then I remembered the fire.
Everyone was talking about it all day. No one
could believe that it was still going strong.
Mum and Dad are so sad that we won’t be able
to go back to our home - we have lost
everything. I saw mum crying earlier and I
tried to comfort her. I just want this
nightmare to end.
The fire is still going. Auntie Mavis is
beginning to worry that the fire might come
our way. All we can do is hope and pray that
this house will be saved.
I am so relieved that the fire has been
extinguished. There has been so much damage
to the city. London will never be the same
(Ss’ own answers)

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