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Модуль (Module) 6e № 6. ГДЗ Английский язык Spotlight 10 класс Афанасьева. Какие рекомендации использовать?

a How does the writer recommend the food court in the report on p. 111? Which of the recommendations below could also be used to recommend it?
a For these reasons, this particular food court comes highly recommended,
b I would not recommend it for families with young children.
с I would, therefore, strongly recommend a visit to this very popular food venue,
d It is undoubtedly a place I would recommend to lovers of ethnic cuisine,
e Therefore, I would highly recommend this place.
f I would, therefore, recommend this place more to those with expensive tastes,
g Consequently, I would not hesitate to recommend this food court to any Asian food lovers.
h I would only recommend it to customers who prefer to serve themselves.
b Think about restaurants/food courts/other eating places that you know and give your recommendation to your partner.
I would certainly recommend Sanjay’s restaurant to anyone who enjoys Indian food.


а Как писатель  рекомендует фуд-корт в докла­  де на странице 111? Какие из рекомендаций, данных ниже, могут быть использованы, чтобы порекомендо­ вать его?
Рекомендация писателя: “Therefore I would certainly recommend it to anyone who enjoys Asian food.”
a, c, d, e, g

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Верещагина И.Н.Афанасьева О. В.9 классАнглийский языкSpotlight