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Модуль (Module) 6c № 2. ГДЗ Английский язык Spotlight 10 класс Афанасьева. Помогите написать, используя слова в скобках

a Compare the sentences.
•    If you aren’t on time, I’ll go without you. Unless you’re on time, I’ll go without you.
•    When John comes, we’ll have dinner together. (= John will definitely come.)
If John comes, we'll have dinner together. (= John may come.)
b Write sentences in the first conditional. Use the words in brackets.
1    you eat all that chocolate/feel sick (if)
If you eat all that chocolate, you’ll feel sick.
2    you not have breakfast/not be able to concentrate (if)
3    she see a doctor/she not get better (unless)
4     I finish my homework/not go to the party (unless)
5     you feel cold/put on a jumper (if)
6     you get off the bus/see a large white building (when)


b Напиши предложения с условным предложением первого типа. Используй слова в скобках.
2   If you don’t have breakfast, you won’t be able to con­ centrate.
3  Unless she sees a doctor, she won’t get better.
4  Unless I finish my homework, I won’t go to the party. 5 You will feel cold if you don’t put on a jumper.
6 When you get off the bus, you’ll see a large white building.

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