Интересные вопросы

Модуль (Module) 5e № 13. ГДЗ Английский язык Spotlight 10 класс Афанасьева. Помогите сопоставить предложения.

a Read the theory box. Find the present and
past participles used in the story on p. 90.
b Link the following sentences using present or past participles, as in the examples.
1    He was frightened. He realised he was lost in the woods.
►     Frightened, he realised that he was lost in the woods.
2    He scanned the crowd. He suddenly saw a familiar face.
►     Scanning the crowd, he suddenly saw a familiar face.
3    He shook with fear. He hid in the bushes.
4    He stood at the edge of the rock. He admired the magnificent view.
5    She was annoyed. She called her travel agent to complain.
6    They were thrilled. They couldn’t believe that they were really in Hawaii.
7    We feared the plane was going to crash. We were shaking.


а Прочитай теоретическую рамку. Найди насто­ ящие и прошедшие причастия, использованные в исто­ рии на странице 90.
I told Rachel, looking at her huge green and pink spotted umbrella.
I thought anxiously, trying to find a place to take cover  from the rain.
Dripping wet but relieved, we entered the first cafe we found

b Соедини следующие предложения, используя на­ стоящие или прошедшие причастия, как в примерах.
3   Shaking with fear, he hid in the bushes.
4    Standing at the edge of the rock, he admired the mag­ nificent view.
5  Annoyed, she called her travel agent to complain.
6 Thrilled, they couldn’t believe they were really in Hawaii. 7 Shaking, we feared the plane was going to crash.

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Верещагина И.Н.Афанасьева О. В.9 классАнглийский языкSpotlight