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Модуль (Module) 5b № 2. ГДЗ Английский язык Spotlight 10 класс Афанасьева. Поможете с картинкой?

a) Look at the cartoon. What’s the problem?
How do you think the people feel?
b) Which of the problems/complaints below relate to: weather, accommodation, food, service, travel/transport, crime,
health, belongings, the town!resort!
1    It rained every single day!
2     Our flight was delayed by six hours.
3     The meals in the hotel were appalling.
4     My luggage got lost.
5     The beach was dirty and crowded.
6     I left my passport at home.
7     There was no air conditioning in our room.
8     I got bitten by mosquitoes.
9     Some money was stolen from my backpack.
10     There was absolutely no nightlife.
11     I got mugged on a sightseeing tour.
12     The staff* were unfriendly and rude.
13     I got ill.
14     There was a hurricane while we were there.


b Какие из проблем/недовольств, данных ниже, родственны: погоде, жилью, питанию, сервису, путе- шествию/транспорту, преступлению, здоровью, ве­щам, городу/курорту?
1 weather
2  travel/transport
3  food
4  belongings
5  the town/resort
6  belongings
7  accommodation
8  health
9  crime
10 the town/resort 11 crime
12 service
13 health 14 weather

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ГДЗ, английский язык, верещагина, spotlight, афанасьева 9класс Задание 5c №4

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Верещагина И.Н.Афанасьева О. В.9 классАнглийский языкSpotlight