Интересные вопросы

Модуль (Module) 5a № 6. ГДЗ Английский янг

Choose the correct word. Check in your dictionary. Use the other word in sentences of your own.
1    The class went on an excursion/exhibition to the Louvre.
2     He ordered some travel leaflets/ brochures online.
3    Miami has got fantastic sandy coasts/ beaches.
4     She doesn’t like package/packed holidays.
5    The room had a great scenery/view of the sea.
6     You need to fix/book in advance or you won’t be able to find a place to stay.
7     All passengers/travellers waiting for flight TWK255 should go to Gate 11.
8     You can prolong/extend your stay in the hotel and stay one more week if you like.
9     It was too hot in the sun, so we found a place to sit in the shadow/shade.
10     It’s best to take/catch a taxi to the airport.
11    We rented/hired a little cottage by the sea.
12     The setting/scenery in the park was spectacular.


Выбери правильное слово. Проверь в своем слова­ре. Используй другие слова в своих собственных пред­ложениях.
1 excursion
2  brochures
3  beaches
4  package
5  view
6  book
7  passengers
8  extend
9  shade 
10  take
11 rented
12 scenery


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