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Модуль (Module) 5a № 2. ГДЗ Английский язык Spotlight 10 класс Афанасьева. Помогите исправить предложения

Read again and decide if the statements are true or false. Compare with your partner. Correct the false statements.
1    The weather wasn’t very good when the travellers arrived in Kathmandu.
2    Kathmandu was clean and quiet.
3    The view from the Himalayas was great.
4    The two young boys asked the travellers for money.
5     Bhaktapur is a modern town.
6     Bisket Jatra takes place once a year.
7     Bisket Jatra lasts a week.
8     Jake and the author went back home by plane.
9     The author missed home.
10   The author didn’t sleep at all during the holiday.


Прочитай снова и реши, какие утверждения — правда, а какие — ложь. Сравни со своим партнером. Исправь лживые утверждения.
1 True
2 False Kathmandu was dusty, noisy and polluted.
3 False The view of the Himalayas was great.
4 False They didn’t asked for money. They were friendly.
5 False Bhaktapur is an ancient town.
6 True
7 False The festival lasts for days.
8 True
10 False The author is looking forward to a good night’s sleep.

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