Интересные вопросы

Модуль (Module) 5. Across the Curriculum № 3. ГДЗ Английский язык Spotlight 10 класс Афанасьева. Помогите вставить правильные слова.

Read the postcard and the email. Complete the gaps (1-10) with the correct word based on the words in brackets.
Listen and check.
Dear Sue,
Well, we've been in Costa del Sol /or three days now and I hate to say it but it has rained every day! I can’t believe it. Anyway, it hasn't been all that terrible. The hotel has an
1)............. (amaze) arcade where you can
play all kinds о/ video games and stuff so I've
been 2).............. (spend) lots of time in there.
And there’s also a 3)............. (real) nice cafe
on the 4)........... (one) floor that is perfect for
just sitting and 5)................ (read). Oh, and
yesterday, even though it was raining cats and dogs, John and I went and did some sightseeing. It was fun. Talk to you soon.
Hey Jack!
Greetings from 6)................ (beauty) Florida. We are having a
brilliant time. We’ve been doing lots of sunbathing and surfing. The
beaches are 7).............. (fantasy). It rained yesterday morning so we
8)............. (go) to a museum. Very interesting! Tomorrow we are
going on a 9)............... (guide) tour of the city and then we’re going
10).............. (dance) in the evening. Are you jealous yet? We'll be
back on Tuesday.
Take care,


Прочитай открытку и email. Заполни пропуски (1-10) правильным словом, основанным от слов в скобках. Прослушай и проверь.
1  amazing
2  spending
3  really
4  first
5  reading
6  beautiful
7  fantastic
8  went
9  guided
10 dancing

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Нажимая кнопку «отправить», вы принимаете условия  пользовательского соглашения
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Верещагина И.Н.Афанасьева О. В.9 классАнглийский языкSpotlight