Интересные вопросы

Модуль (Module) 2b № 2. ГДЗ Английский язык Spotlight 9 класс Ваулина. Помогите с ответом!

Which member of your family do the sentences best describe?
1      never gets off the phone.
2      is always taking things without asking.
3      never helps around the house.
4       never switches the lights off.
5       is always leaving things everywhere.
6       never tidies up.
7       plays loud music.
8       doesn’t let me stay out late.
9       is always there for me.
10       helps me with my homework.


Каких  членов  вашей  семьи лучше всего характеризуют эти фразы?
1. Му brother never gets off the phone.
2. My sister is always taking things without asking.
3. My father never helps around the house.
4. My brother never switches off the lights.
5. I always leaves things everywhere.
6. My uncle never tidy up.
7. My brother plays loud music.
8. My mum doesn’t let me stay out late.
9. My dad is always there for me.
10. My sister helps me with my homework.

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