Интересные вопросы

Модуль (Module) 1d № 7. ГДЗ Английский язык Spotlight 9 класс Ваулина. Помогите подобрать подходящее.

Use appropriate relatives to join the sentences.
1      Sarah loves Christmas. She is six
years old.
2      Halloween is a great festival.
Children always dress up as
ghosts or witches.
3      Carnival is a popular festival. It
is celebrated in many countries.
4      Mark lives next door. He is a clown.
5      Bonfire Night is an important
festival in England. It is celebrated
on November 5th.


Используйте подходящие относитель­ ные местоимения, чтобы объединить пред­ ложения.
1. Sarah, who is six years old, loves Christmas.
2. Halloween is a great festival where children always dress up as ghosts or witches.
3. Carnival is a popular festival which is celebrated in many countries.
4. Mark, who lives next door, is a clown.
5. Bonfire Night, which is an important festival in England, is celebrated on 5th November

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