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Listening. Spotlight on Exams. Module 3. Spotlight. Английский язык. 10 класс. О.В. Афанасьева ГДЗ

Какой правильный ответ для каждого вопроса здесь будет?
Listen and choose the correct answer (A, B or C) for each question (1-7).
1          At Tom’s old school...
A he had a lot of fun.
B he didn’t enjoy learning.
C the teachers weren’t very good.
2          Tom says that a friend of his ...
A encouraged him to change schools.
B wanted to leave his school, too.
C agreed to talk to Tom’s parents.
3          At his new school, Tom likes ...
A his timetable.
B studying Maths.
C choosing his clothes and subjects.
4          To prepare for writing tasks, pupils ...
A have discussions with their classmates.
B get help from the teachers.
C do fun activities.
5          Tom says he finds his lessons interesting
because ...
A they use computers a lot.
B the teachers are interesting.
C they learn in active ways.
6          Tom says that pupils are allowed to ...
A talk in class.
B tell the teachers what to do.
C help make the rules.
7          The only thing Tom doesn’t like about the
school is ...
A the long journey to get there.
B having lessons outside.
C missing his old friends.


Лови ответ
1 В
2  А
3  С
4  А
5  С

7  А

ваш ответ
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