Посмотри на страницы из дневников Мэри и Сьюзан. Они нам
дают представление о жизни девочек в течении недели. Прочитай
их и скажи что Мэри (Сьюзан) обычно делает в понедельник,
Monday is Mary’s cleaning day. She cleans all her things on Monday.
Tuesday is Mary’s washing day. She washes her things on Tuesday.
Wednesday is her cooking day. She cooks tasty meals on Wednesday.
Thursday is Mary’s swimming day. She swims a lot in the swimming pool
on Wednesday. On Friday Mary has a tennis day. She plays tennis with
her friends on Friday. Saturday is her shopping day. She goes shopping on
Saturday. On Sunday Mary has a visiting day. She visits her friends and
relatives on this day.
Monday is Susan’s longest day at school. She has a lot of lessons and
studies on Monday. Tuesday is Susan’s reading day. Susan reads different
books on Tuesday. Wednesday is Susan’s swimming day. She goes to the
swimming pool on this weekday. Thursday is Susan’s helping about the-
house day. She helps her mother about the house. Friday is Susan’s TV
day. She watches a lot of TV-programmes on this day. Saturday is Susan’s
visiting day. She visits her friends and relatives on this day. Sunday is her
play day She plays with her toys and has a lot of fun on Sunday.