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Lesson 7. № 10. ГДЗ Английский язык 4 класс Верещагина. Где лучше жить?

Some people like to live in towns and some prefer the country.
What do you think is the best place to live in and why?


Некоторые люди предпочитают жить в городах, некоторые - в
деревнях. Где по-твоему лучше жить и почему?
I think that there can’t be only one point of view. As for me, I think that
best of all is to live in the country. I prefer to stay close to nature, not to
spend my life in a busy town. I think that in the country every season is
beautiful. Once in summer I was in the country. I could see sparkling lakes
and green forests, large fields and high hills. I saw ants in the earth and
grasshoppers in the grass. I can’t see all of these in town, where people
build great buildings. You can’t see stars in town. The sky is always black
at nights. I see only big houses if I look around.
Another problem is that you can’t play a lot in town. In the country I could
play football and basketball with my friends everywhere. In town I can go
to the stadium or to the school sports ground, but I can’t play everywhere I
I prefer to live in the country because there you can have much more fun
than in a busy town, where everyone works.

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