Интересные вопросы

Lesson 4. № 24. ГДЗ Английский язык 5 класс Верещагина. Помогите ответить про путешествия

Do you like travelling? Why? Let’s talk about it.
1.      Do you often travel? When did you travel last?
2.       Where did you go?
3.       How did you go there? Was it by car, by bus, by train or by
4.       Which is the quickest means1 of travelling? Which is the most
5.       How do people usually travel if they want to get to the farthest
places on the earth?
6.       Do you think it is interesting to travel by sea? Have you ever
done it? What was the weather like then?
7.       How often do your parents or relatives travel by air? Where do
they usually buy tickets for the flight? Is it expensive to travel by
plane? Why do many people prefer this way of travelling?
8.       What do people usually do when they are on the plane? on the
train? on the bus?
9.       Have you ever travelled by car? Is it comfortable? Is it convenient?
Why do many people like travelling by car?
10.        Where do people stay as they travel to faraway places? Have
you ever stayed at a hotel? What was it like? What were the rooms
like? What was the food like?


Вы любите путешествовать? Почему? Расскажите об этом.
1.    No, I don’t travel often. Last time I travelled in summer.
2.      I travelled to the seaside.
3.     I     travelled there by train.
4.    The quickest method of travelling is travelling by
plane. The most comfortable travelling is travelling by
5.    People usually travel by air if they want to get to
the farthest places of the earth.
6.    I think that it is interesting to travel by sea but I
haven’t done it.
7.    My parents don’t often travel by air. They buy tick-
ets for the flight at the airport. It is expensive to travel by
plane. People prefer travelling by plane because it is the
quickest way of travelling.
8.    People usually read newspapers when they are on
the plane. They usually sleep when they are on the train. And they usually look through the window when they are  on the bus.
9.      Yes, I often travel by car. I think that it is comfort-
able and convenient. People travel by car because it is
10.      People usually stay at hotels when they travel to
far-away places. Yes, I have stayed at the hotel. It was
very comfortable. The rooms were not very big. The
food was rather tasty.

ваш ответ
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