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Lesson 27. № 16. ГДЗ Английский язык 4 класс Верещагина. Помогите описать Большой Пожар

Describe the Great Fire.


Опишите Большой Пожар.
The Great Fire started on Saturday, 2nd of September 1666 in the house of
the king’s baker, near London Bridge. There were no big fires in London
until 1666. The fire was terrible. It burnt for four days and destroyed 80%
of the city. More than 250 thousand people didn’t have home any more.
The fire was so strong because of the weather and because the houses in
London were made of wood and they often were near one another. There
was a strong wind from the river. The houses were on fire one after an-
After the Great Fire people built a new city. It became larger and larger.
By 1830 there were more than one and a half million people in London.
The railways came and London became richer and richer, but it didn’t be-
come nicer. The city became dark and dirty and people lived in bad

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