Интересные вопросы

Lesson 26. № 3. ГДЗ Английский язык 4 класс Верещагина. Помогите составить по образцу

Play the game and pretend you’ve fulfilled the actions. The examples and the words will help you.
P1: Water the flowers!
P2: I have watered the flowers.
P3: He (she) has watered the flowers.
water                 decorate                  start                 cook
open                  lock                 clean                 dance


Образуй предложения по примеру.
Water the flowers, please.
I have watered the flowers.
She has watered the flowers.
You must decorate the New-Year tree now.
I have decorated the New-Year tree.
He has decorated the New-Year tree.
Start to dance!
I have started to dance.
He has started to dance.
Cook some cake!
I have cooked some cake.
He has cooked the cake.
Open the door, please.
I have opened the door.
She has opened the door.
Lock the car with the key!
I have locked the car with the key
He has locked the car with the key
Clean the room!
I have cleaned the room.
He has cleaned the room.
Dance with me, please!
I have danced with her.
She has danced with me.

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похожие темы
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Lesson 13. № 3. ГДЗ Английский язык 4 класс Верещагина. Помогите составить предложения

Look at the pictures. What do these people want to do? Make sen-
tences using the chart below.

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Опишите § 5 № 1 ГДЗ Химия 9 класс Новошинский И.И.

Опишите, пользуясь планом характеристики, химические элементы с атомными номерами 16 и 20.

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