Интересные вопросы

Lesson 26. № 2. ГДЗ Английский язык 4 класс Верещагина. Помогите придумать предложения.

Try to think of some statements with the words: main, road, square, church, cinema, theatre, town, far from. Tell them to your classmates and let them agree or disagree with you.
P1: Red Square is not far from the Kremlin.
P2: That’s true. Red Square is near the Kremlin.


 Придумай несколько предложений со словами: главный, дорога,
площадь, церковь, кинотеатр, театр, город, далеко. Сообщи их
одноклассникам, пусть они выразят свое согласие / несогласие.
The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts is rather far from the main street
I agree The Pushkin Museum is far from Tverskaya Street. The cinema
«Volgograd» is far from Red Square It’s true. This cinema is very far from
Red Square All pupils in our class see Red Square twice a year I disagree.
I see Red Square once a month. Our school is far from the main road.
It’s true. I always spend a lot of time to get to the main road from our
All towns have got a theatre not far from the main square I disagree. Many
towns haven’t got a theatre. Many towns haven’t got the main square.
There is a large church not far from the Bolshoy Theatre I disagree I have
been to the Bolshoy Theatre, but I have never seen a church near it

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