Придумайте собственный диалог, и проиграйте его по ролям. Не забудьте поменяться ролями.
- Hello, Jack. I haven’t seen you for ages.
- Hi, Alex! How are you?
- I’m fine, thank you. And how are you?
- Just fine. Where are you going?
- I’m going to the sports ground. I’m going to play football there. I have
got a very nice ball. I bought it yesterday. Will you join me?
- With great pleasure. I haven’t played football for ages. I’ll come to the
sports ground at half past two.
- Is it all right?
- Rather!
- But I don’t know where the sports ground is.
- It’s very easy to find it. You won’t spend much time to get there. It’s
not far from the theatre. Turn left at the traffic lights and walk five
blocks. You’ll see a school between the Main Market and the theatre.
The sports ground is near it.