Интересные вопросы

Lesson 24. № 7. ГДЗ Английский язык 4 класс Верещагина. Помогите составить диалог, используя слова

Think of your own dialogue. Then role play the dialogue. The words
can help you.
39 Main Street turn to the right the nearest cinema
walk one block the shop near here walk 3 blocks
the zoo walk 4 blocks the theatre


Придумайте собственный диалог и прочитайте его по ролям. Эти слова вам помогут.
-        Excuse me. Can you help me?
-        Sure. What’s the problem?
-        I’m looking for the Museum.
-        It’s at 3 High Street.
-        I’m in a hurry. I must be there soon. How can I get there?
Oh, it’s not easy. Can you see the comer over there? Walk to this corner, turn to the left. Walk two blocks. You’ll see the traffic lights.
Turn to the left. Then you’ll see the second traffic lights. Turn to the
left again and walk three blocks. You’ll see Green Street. The Museum is not far from Green Street.
-        I forgot the main thing. Where is the first comer?
-        It’s over there, on the left.
-        Oh, it’s difficult. It’s hard to understand it.
-        Well, you don’t need to be in a hurry. The Museum always closes
around five o’clock. And it’s six o’clock now.

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