Интересные вопросы

Lesson 23. № 7. ГДЗ Английский язык 4 класс Верещагина. Помогите задать вопросы Питу.

a)    Pete is talking with Nick. He says. “And suddenly I saw a burglar.”
Ask Pete questions for more information.
b)    Imagine you are Pete and tell the class your story.


 а) Пит разговаривает с Ником. Он говорит: «И вдруг я увидел
грабителя». Задай Питу вопросы, чтобы узнать поподробней о
Where did you see the burglar?
When did you see the burglar?
Did the burglar see you when you saw him?
What was the burglar wearing?
Did the burglar have anything with him?
Did you run to the phone?
Did you ask for help?
Did you call the police?
Did you shout at the burglar?
b) Представь, что ты - Пит и расскажи классу свою историю.
It happened in the morning on Friday, the thirteenth of October. The
weather was fine, but it was rather cold. I left home for school at eight. I was walking in the street. Suddenly I saw a burglar. He jumped out of the
window. I didn’t see his face at that moment, because he was far from me.
But I saw that he was dressed very well. He was wearing white trousers, a
grey sweater and black shoes. Burglars usually don’t wear white clothes.
He had nothing with him, but I wasn’t sure that he was a burglar, so I
didn’t call the police. I shouted at the burglar: «I’m going to call the police». The burglar looked at me and said: «I’m not a burglar. I live in this
flat. I couldn’t open my front door today. I am in a hurry, because I work
in a plant. So I went out through the window.

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