Интересные вопросы

Lesson 19. № 8. ГДЗ Английский язык 4 класс Верещагина. Какое здесь задание?

Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them
to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can.
[as] cat, flat, a flat — flats, a rather large flat, a comfortable
flat. Is there a kitchen in your flat? I can’t open the front
door of my flat as I have no keys.
[u:] room, dining room, sitting room, a dining room — dining
rooms, a sitting room — sitting rooms. There is no dining
room in my flat. Is there a large table in your dining
room? Their sitting room is very comfortable. I’ve got a
sitting room and two bedrooms in my flat.
[еə] chair, upstairs, to go upstairs, to come upstairs, to live
upstairs. There are two bedrooms upstairs. What rooms are
there upstairs?
downstairs, to go downstairs, to be downstairs. Ann is
downstairs in the sitting room. Please go downstairs and
phone [fəʊn] the doctor. The toilet is downstairs near the
[əʊ] close, sofa, a sofa — sofas, a comfortable sofa, a bright sofa.
What colour is the sofa in your sitting room? What is there
behind the sofa? The TV is in front of the sofa.
[eə] chair, armchair, an armchair — armchairs, in the arm-
chair. — Are there any armchairs in the hall? — No, there
aren’t any. — What colour is the armchair in your living room?
— It’s yellow. My old armchair is very comfortable.
[΄aɪə] fire, fireplace [΄faɪəpleɪs] (fire), a fireplace — fireplaces. There
is often a fireplace in an English house. We haven’t got a
fireplace in our sitting room. There are two armchairs in
front of the fireplace.


 Выучите, как читаются новые слова и предложения с ними; сна-
чала прочитайте их про себя, затем вслух, как можно быстрее.

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похожие темы
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Lesson 2. № 3. ГДЗ Английский язык 4 класс Верещагина. Помогите выбрать правильный ответ.

Choose the answers which you think are right.
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ГДЗАнглийский язык4 классВерещагина И.Н.
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Read the letter and say what Marion Hailey. Head Teacher of
Green Hill School, asks her pupils’ parents about.

ГДЗАнглийский язык4 классВерещагина И.Н.
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Помогите определить перевод. Lesson 13. № 4. ГДЗ Английский язык 4 класс Верещагина.

Read the words and guess their meaning.
sandals ['sændəlz], hospital ['hɒspɪtl], Canada ['kænədə], rock- (Подробнее...)

ГДЗАнглийский язык4 классВерещагина И.Н.