Интересные вопросы

Lesson 15. № 29. ГДЗ Английский язык 5 класс Верещагина. Помогите сказать в прошедшем.

This is a short summary of the dialogue (ex. 21). Write it down referring to the past.
A patient comes to see the doctor. He is coughing badly. The doctor says he doesn’t like-the patient’s cough and asks him to take off his shirt. He wants to know how long the patient has had his cough. The doctor asks if the patient takes much exercise. The patient says that he doesn’t do it regularly and explains that he hasn’t come about his cough. He says his feet hurt every time he walks. He has had this pain for 2 weeks. Then he understands that he has had new shoes for 2 weeks too.


Это краткое изложение диалога (Упражнение 21). Запишите это ниже в прошедшем времени.
A patient came to see a doctor. He was coughing badly. The doctor said that he did not like the patient’s cough and asked him to take off his shirt. He wanted to know how long the patient had had his cough. The doctor asked if the patient took much exercise. The patient sa         id that he didn’t do it regularly and explained that he hadn’t come about his cough. He had had his pain for 2 weeks. Then he understood that he had had new shoes for 2 weeks too.

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