Интересные вопросы

Lesson 15. № 14. ГДЗ Английский язык 4 класс Верещагина. Что можно сказать по тексту?

Look through the text (Exercise 12) again and say what new things
you now know about English school.


  Просмотри текст упражнения 12 и скажи, что ты узнал нового о
школе в Англии.
I know many interesting things about English school now.
Primary school finishes when children are eleven or older. English chil-
dren have classes five times a week. They never have classes on Saturdays
and on Sundays. Classes are usually over at four o’clock.
English schools get names after the place where they are or after some fa-
mous and important people.
Children go to infant school at the age of five. They sing songs a lot. In-
fant pupils learn how to use money in their classroom shop. They learn
how to get on with other children. They learn how to count, read and write
a little.
At the age of seven they go to the junior schools. Junior schools are real
schools. Pupils sit in rows and follow a regular timetable. Their subjects
are: English, Maths, History, Nature Study, Geography, Art, Swimming,
P.E., Religion and Music. They finish junior school when they are eleven
or older.
English children visit different museums and other famous and interesting
places. Sometimes their teacher takes them to London and other big cities.

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