Интересные вопросы

Используйте Going Green 4 № 3 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 11 класс Афанасьева О.В.

Portfolio: Use the picture and the text to give a two-minute talk
about water pollution. In the talk:
•       explain why water pollution is a problem
•        give some examples of ways that water is polluted
•        explain how your audience can reduce water pollution


Preparing and delivering a two-
minute talk about water pollution
•      Explain the task.
•      Allow Ss time to prepare notes and practice
their talks.
•       Invite individual Ss to give their talks to the
class. Provide feedback.
Suggested Answer Key
We must look after our most precious resource
-       water. Without clean water humans and
animals cannot live. The future of our planet
depends on us using water effectively -
minimising water pollution and cutting down
on the amount of water we use.
Every day humans pollute water, often without
realising it. We should think twice before we
pour anything down our drains or onto the soil
it could be toxic. Also, we shouldn’t let grass
clippings or leaves get washed into storm
drains as this can harm aquatic life. In
addition, we should try to reduce the amount
of excess water we run off. Try sweeping your
garden path rather than using a hosepipe. If
we all avoided fertilisers that contain harmful
chemicals, the environment would be in a
better state. If we take action now, we can
minimise water pollution!

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