Интересные вопросы

Используйте фразы № 79 ГДЗ Английский 9 класс Биболетова М.З.

a) Ask the students in the other groups
some questions to get the information
about the teenagers you haven’t read
about. (You can use the questions after
the text as well as your own.) Read the
texts to check if the information
is correct.
b) Use the phrases from the texts (Ex. 78)
instead of the underlined expressions.
1    On general I enjoyed our holiday at the
seaside but several days of nasty weather
made us feel less happy.
2    Though I felt tired and sleepy and didn’t
listen to Jim, he talked and talked about his
recent quarrel with his girlfriend.
3    As we are not your parents, we are not
going to wash your clothes and forgive the
mess in this room.
4    Adults always speak too much and pay too
much attention to unimportant things like
5   If you share a room, the easiest way to
avoid quarrels with your roommate is    to
follow  reasonable rules in everyday life.


b) Используйте фразы из текста в
упр. 78 вместо подчеркнутых выражений.
1)   On general I enjoyed our holiday at the seaside but several days of nasty weather spoilt the impression.
2)  Though I felt tired and sleepy and didn’t listen to Jim, he kept talking about his recent quarrel with his girlfriend.
3)   Unlike your Mum or Dad, we are not going to wash your clothes and forgive the mess in this room.
4)   Adults always make such a fuss about housework.
If you share a room, the easiest way to avoid quarrels with your roommate is to observe the law of co-existence.

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похожие темы
похожие вопросы 5
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Алинка Попс
Найди № 26 ГДЗ Английский 9 класс Биболетова М.З.

 Look back at the dialogue. Find words
and phrases that mean the following:
•    I didn’t want to make you suffer. (Подробнее...)

ГДЗАнглийский язык9 классБиболетова М. З.
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Задайте № 59 ГДЗ Английский 9 класс Биболетова М.З.

Work in pairs. Ask your partner questions to find out what his / her best
mate is like.

ГДЗАнглийский язык9 классБиболетова М. З.