Интересные вопросы

Используйте 1B № 5 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 11 класс Афанасьева О.В.

Use the ideas below/your own ideas and the
language in the box to act out exchanges.
drop litter in garden dog barks a lot/digs up plants children make too much noise/damage property have loud arguments at night

A:  I’m really upset about the Utter that you keep dropping in
my garden.
B: I’m really sorry. It won’t happen again.


Acting out exchanges
•      Brainstorm with Ss some of the problems
people can have with their neighbours. Write
them on the board.
•       Read through the language boxes for making a
complaint/apologising. Invite a pair of Ss to
read the example exchange.
• Ss practise acting out exchanges in pairs.
Monitor the activity. Invite some pairs to
reenact their exchanges to the class.
Suggested Answer Key
S1: Do you think you could do something
about the children making so much noise
in the early morning?
S2: I’m really sorry. We’ll try to do something
about it.
S2: I was wondering if you could stop your dog
from digging up my plants.
S1: Oh I do apologise. It won’t happen again.

ваш ответ
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