Интересные вопросы

Хело! Помогите заполнить пропуски. Модуль (Module) 1f № 4. ГДЗ Английский язык Spotlight 9 класс Ваулина.

Fill in: for, of, with or in. Check in Appendix 2.
1      My little brother is eight and still believes
......... magic.
2      The reason............. Earth Day celebrations is to
create environmental awareness.
3      Although she is twenty, she is still afraid
......... the dark.
4      The Toronto Film Festival is famous ...................
appearances by major Hollywood stars.
5      The road was crowded............... cars and buses
heading for the festival.
6      They got tired............... waiting for the band to
appear and took a walk around the park.
7      She is interested................ learning more about
traditional celebrations.
8      Everyone was pleased ..............  the success of
the Arts Festival.


Заполните пропуски  данными словами. Проверьте себя по Приложению 2.
1) in;
2) for;
3) of;
4) for;
5) with;
6) of;
7) in;
8) with.

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Fill in the gaps with will or am/are going to.
1      A: Look! Pat’s here. (Подробнее...)

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