Куда люди идут в выходные дни? Где ты был прошлым летом
(прошлой зимой, на прошлой неделе, в прошлом месяце)? Что ты
там делал?
Many people want to go away from their places, when they are on holi-
days. People prefer not to stay at home, because they want to see new
places and to meet new people. Someone goes to the seaside. You can have a very good time at the seaside, because the sea is very big and it is
always very beautiful in any season. Some people go to the mountains. I
was to the mountains last summer. Nature is very beautiful there. They
have white tops in any season. When I looked around, I could see beauti-
ful white mountains, fish in the lakes and bears in the forests. I was skiing
a lot last summer. I was playing snowballs a lot, too. How beautiful it was
in the mountains last summer!