Ты встретился с мальчиком из другой школы. Он хочет узнать
больше о тебе и твоей школе. Послушай его вопросы и ответь на
I have Р.Е. at noon on Tuesday and on Wednesday morning. I like our
P.E. classes very much, they are very pleasant. We do interesting exer-
cises. We always wear uniform in our P.E. classes. It is very beautiful. It is
light. I think pupils look great in their uniforms. Our uniform is green. We
wear sport shoes, too. Our uniform is very comfortable. I don’t know how
about other pupils, but my uniform is very comfortable. It is my size and it
suits me very well. All boys and girls wear P.E. uniform with great pleas-
ure when they have P.E. lessons.
We have Handicraft at 10 o’clock in the morning on Monday and at noon
on Friday. We usually make different things in our Handicraft classes or
we clean our school when we have Handicraft. We make toys from wood
and clay. We don’t write in our exercise-books when we have Handicraft
lessons. We don’t go to museums with our teacher in Handicraft.